In a totally unexpected turn of events that no one could’ve possibly predicted, I’m back at the Elizabeth and the Catapult well imbibing the sweet, clear nectar of Elizabeth Ziman’s musics and let me tell you: it is damn good to be back. Over a relatively long tenure of fanhood (squeeing fanboy alert, like, more than usual) I have come to not just love and adore Elizabeth and the Catapult music, I’ve settled into a sort of implicit trust with her output. I just know in my knowing place that whatever she puts into the world is straight up gonna be good. Much as I did with the last album, I got in on the PledgeMusic for this album over two years ago at this point (912 days, to be precise), and not once in that time did I have concerns. As it happens, I was quite right.
Where to find Elizabeth and the Catapult:
Twitter: @thecatapult
Website: elizabethandthecatapult.com